Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Month 2: "Executive Leadership"

In the second month at Full Sail, I begin taking the course “Executive Leadership.” The course description includes successfully analyzing the qualities in an individual to determine their executive leadership position in the entertainment business. The course activities include case assessments, effective decision-making, building and maintain relationships in the work place, personal branding, and self-assessment analyzing. Each of these activities played a huge part in shaping my character to prepare me for a potential leadership role. I found that the three activities proving most beneficial to me dealt with relationships and personal assessment. It is extremely important to build and maintain promising relationships within the work place to ensure a healthy working environment and network effectively with potential partners. Also, personal branding and self-assessment analyzing go hand-in-hand with each other. I found the personal branding discussion to be beneficial because it demonstrates the proper way to showcase one’s talents and work ethics for the profession at hand. Learning how to effectively personal brand has really helped in my professional presentation to others. Both the leadership and self-assessments have proved beneficial in analyzing the skills I already attain and have helped with assessing any skills I may need to acquire for the future. The course really helped me to see the potential I possess to become a successful leader. 

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